Foreign Exchange Rates


Exchange Rates    09/07/2018
USD US Dollar 42,930 eq
GBP British Pound 57,061 eq
CHF Swiss Franc 43,361 eq
SEK Swedish Krona 4,921 eq
NOK Norwegian Kroner 5,346 eq
DKK Danish Krone 6,767 eq
INR Indian Rupee 625 eq
AED Utd. Arab Emir. Dirham 11,690 eq
KWD Kuwaiti Dinar 141,766 eq
PKR100 Pakistan 100 Rupees 35,311 eq
JPY100 Japanese 100 Yens 38,875 eq
HKD Hong Kong Dollar 5,472 eq
OMR Omani Rial 111,652 eq
CAD Canadian Dollar 32,810 eq
ZAR South Africa Rand 3,184 eq
TRY Turkish New Lira 9,385 eq
RUB Russian Ruble 682 eq
QAR Qatari Rial 11,795 eq
IQD100 Iraqi 100 Dinars 3,623 eq
SYP Syrian pound 84 eq
AUD Australian Dollar 31,898 eq
SAR Saudi Riyal 11,449 eq
BHD Bahraini Dinar 114,178 eq
SGD Singapore Dollar 31,617 eq
LKR10 Sri Lanka 10 Rupees 2,697 eq
NPR100 Nepalese 100 Rupees 38,836 eq
AMD100 Armenian 100 Drams 8,886 eq
LYD Libyan Dinar 31,326 eq
CNY Chinese Yuan 6,465 eq
THB100 Thai 100 Bahts 129,553 eq
MYR Malaysian Ringgit 10,627 eq
KRW1000 South Korean 1000 Wons 38,520 eq
EUR Euro 50,463 eq
KZT100 Kazakhstani 100 tenge 12,492 eq
AFN Afghan Afghani 585 eq
BYN New Belarusian Ruble 21,466 eq
AZN Azerbaijani Manat 25,254 eq
TJS Tajikistan Somoni 4,680 eq
VEF Venezuelan Bolivar 4,299 eq


A multiple-tier exchange rate regime was in place prior to 21 March 2002.

No rates are quoted on Iranian holidays for which the previous day's rates will apply.

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