Payment & Clearance Systems


The Iran National Interchange Card Payment Switch (SHETAB) was born since 1381 (2003) with the purpose of integrating and harmonizing all card systems within the banking industry. Currently, it is operating as the only National Card Switch with the membership of all licensed banks and financial institutes. more...


The project of integrating all card payments proposed and designed based on the world best-practice models is called “the Electronic Card Payment Network (SHAPARAK)”. Upon the approval received from the Credit and Monetary Council, it was formally established in 2012 as the supervisory body of the Central Bank of Iran for electronic card payments. more...


Card-based Electronic Fund Transfer System (SAHAB), which was introduced in 2007, gives the card holders the ability to transfer funds to the card holders of any other bank connected to SHETAB. This service is accessible in all branches, ATMs, and internet banking. more...


Automated Clearing House (ACH)
The Iranian ACH (PAYA) was established in 2009 as the primary infrastructure for interbank fund transfer that processes large volumes of credit and debit transactions originated in batches. more...


Real-Time Gross Settlement System (RTGS)
The Iranian RTGS system (SATNA) has been in operation nationwide since November 2006 with the main purposes of processing and settlement of the interbank transactions individually and in real-time. more...


Script-less Securities Settlement System (SSSS)
The Iranian securities settlement system (TABA) is the infrastructure for securities issuing, trading, and settlement. It was proposed as a main pillar within the Payment Strategy of the Payment Systems of Iran. more...


Cheque Imaging System (CIS)
Following the approval of the Payment Strategy of the Payment Systems of Iran in 2003, CHAKAVAK was proposed and its establishment started in 2012.

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